Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Home and a Brasilian PS

As in every year upon my return, I marvel at the power of the gospel to transform lives.  Have we made Christianity too hard in the west (western culture)?  I think perhaps so.  We keep blaming our lack of power and effectiveness in evangelism on our culture and its 'deaf ears.'  "They" have gone so far "they've" left the possibility for redemption behind, we say.  But... I wonder?

Perhaps it is we who have gone too far away.  Too far from the majesty, grace and power of God to change lives when truth is spoken with conviction and relevance because we who speak it believe in it ourselves.  If God is our God, Christ is our Saviour, and the testimony of we who call ourselves redeemed live this truth in such a way that we have credibility when we speak, I think there yet may be hope for us.  

Pictured here with me is Osmar da Silva. He is the owner/operator of the Hotel we stayed in Jaiba.  Osmar confessed faith in Christ.  Why?  Because he was impressed with us.  And, because he rubbed up against our Christian authenticity for a few days so much that when he was challenged to accept the same for his own self, did!  He and his entire household.  

Who will be next here at home? 

Gloria de Deus, indeed

Pastor Sam 

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