Thursday, July 17, 2008

Brasil - Day 9, "A Beautiful CIty"

It amazes me that God has created a world that is so beautiful - both in nature and in the ways of man.  This morning I sat on a bench in the town square and observed the universality of this.  For as I have had the joy of being in many of the world's places, and to sit on the benches of many a town square, it is wonderfully comforting to observe the same things each time.  In each place young people still gather and old men still sit and talk; and, today, I joined them both.  Language knows no boundaries when greetings and smiles are the fare, and I delight in being able, always, to do that.  

Aside from just people, Mato Verde (pronounced verge) is a beautiful place.  It sits at the foot of a mountain range, so that each morning I  am greeted by the majesty of God's creation.  The town holds a population of approximately 10,000 people (a guess) and serves as a kind of 'county seat' for this area, or municipality.  People are very aware of our presence, and seem genuinely enthused about us being here.  Each morning I go to the local radio station and am interviewed by a local DJ named, Serginho.  Today, I wanted to tell folks the story of my falling on the motorcycle, thinking it might be fun for the radio audience to hear it, but Chris assured me this was not necessary as the whole town already had 'heard,' and were having a 'good laugh.'   Ummmm?????

Each morning following breakfast, as well as each afternoon following our lunch, I bring the mission team of about 100 a 'pastoral word'.  We have focused on Romans 12 this week.  I also travel each afternoon into the rural areas, to smaller villages, and preach and lead in services held in each town square.  In the evening, I bring a message to between 200 to 400 persons, at what we call, "evangelistic services.'  My text's are always from the gospel's and tell the story of Jesus' actions, ministry, and purpose - with a call for people to receive Him as their Saviour.  There are decisions every night, which thrills me.  Indeed, the gospel is a powerful thing.  

Please pray for us.  Our American team, made up of ParkwayHills members, is a testimony to the providence and provision of God.  Debbie Lewis leads our VBS, which touches hundreds of children each day. Doctors Jerry Lewis and Sue Benton, along with nurses Marty Murph and Karen Davenport, operate a clinic that brings both care, medicine, and the love of Jesus Christ.  And our youth are amazing examples of God's work n their 'everyday' lives, as the children of this place pull and tug at them constantly to play and be noticed. This they do, making their pastor very proud of them.    

Deus te Abencoe - 

Pastor Sam

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