2017 – Day One, 07.15 - “Small World, Big God”
Arriving safely at Confins Airport in Belo
Horizonte at 8:00 a.m. today, I went straightway to catch my breath
over a cup of strong coffee (Brasilians know no other kind) and wait for my connecting
flight to Montes Claros After checking for an earlier flight and finding none, I spent my next 4 hours stepping back into Brazilian culture and the beautiful Portuguese language once more. I was pleased when at the coffee bar I was mistaken for a Brasilian – albeit if but a moment - but this soon passed as my attempt at conversation continued. :-)
Once in Montes Claros, I took the remainder of my day settling into the hotel and awaiting arrival of Jairo Campos, the Executive Director of the P70 Church Planting Mission. He and a
team from Shady Oaks Baptist of Hurst, TX, led by Pastor Brad Martin, are
returning from the last leg of their mission, so I enjoyed time with Pastor Junior
Figueiredo of our ParkwayHills mission plant, which is now a growing, major church, and the Fróes family, including daughter, Juliana, 1 year from
finishing her degree as a doctor of family medicine. Indeed, it was good to be back in this
beautiful area of the world with its wonderfully mild weather at this season, and people who are passionate and happy by nature. At least that is what I sensed from those of Belo Horizonte and Montes
Claros, who seemed less anxious to me than the rest of Brasil over their country’s current politics.
And... oh yes, speaking of politics, perhaps some distance from my own might help this suffering, overexposed American, too. For it seems I just cannot get away from our 'not so newsy', talking heads sharing 'expert' opinions on – well…we all know what. So much so I’d recently commented to Belinda that with all
our political conversation of late my world seemed over exposed and grossly enlarged. The effect being, that God, well,... wasn’t so much. At least
that’s what I’d been feeling up until boarding my small plane headed to Montes
Claros. For… as I looked out my window I could only see beautiful clouds capped
by the bluest of sky. And at
that moment my world, even me, became small once again - and… God? Well, He became bigger! Which was not a bad beginning for this preacher embarking upon 30 days of ministry and mission. Yes, a small world (as in less important) and a big God. Not a cop out! Certainly not escapism! But... worship, ushering in a reality check sorely needed.
O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens. When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8: 1, 3 - 4
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