Monday, August 4, 2008

LIFEwalk begins

This past Sunday began a new pulpit series for our Parkwayhills church family over which I am extremely excited called, LIFEwalk. The series, as the name suggests, deals with the everyday walk of the believer in Christ, and is purposed toward calling us to a heightened awareness and experience in our relationship to God through His Son.  

Since the earliest of biblical record God has called us to walk with Him: 
And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said to him, I am the ALmighty God; walk before me and be made blameless.' Genesis 17:1-3  

And still, today, the same is true: 
'Therefore, as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.' Col. 2:6-7

Because of this, both God's call and our need, over the next weeks this will be the subject upon which we shall spend our time.  To help, we will look at FOUR lesser known and practiced spiritual disciplines - Study, Meditation, Solitude, and Confession - recognized by Richard Foster and others as 4 of 12 disciplines practiced by the church and encouraged by scripture for development of the grace of Christ in the everyday life of those choosing to follow Him.

And my, how we do need this. Why? Because we are reduced in this culture to a Christianity that is little more than commercial and as powerless as sentiment.  Not dammed but damnable,we are so because Satan has had his way with us for so long that we are no better off than our peers who stand outside the church and are lost. 

So pray for me in this series, and invite your friends and community to attend with you. Together, let's see what God has by reading, thinking, coming away, and being changed through the wonderful disciplines of study, meditation, solitude, and confession...

In Christ, indeed  

Pastor Sam 

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