Monday, August 4, 2014

Brasil 2014, Day 10, 'Coming Home'

It has been a long day, but we are finally readying for our international flight to Miami. The team has been wonderful, but far too tired for me to try to put them all in one pic.  Suffiice it to say, I have absolutely adored being with these people. They have been amazing.  And, I will never forget how we became as one family in Christ over the last 10 Days. 

They are...

Doug Benton
Elizabeth Benton
Gracie Breitenfeld
Carla Cox
Chris Davenport
Jessica DeFrancisco
Sam Dennis
Taylor Dennis Butler
Hannah Gentry
Debbie Irons
Kyle Keeter
Mattie Keeter
Phil Kennedy
Leland Kennedy
Claire Olivier
Lauren Powell
Arianna Rodrigues
Arabella Rodrigues
Araceli Rodrigues
Glenn Sampson
Grace Verges
Mike Weaver
Kayla Weaver

They each have been the hands and feet of Jesus in Brasil! 

Now... it's time for the same at home. 

Deus Abençoe, 

Pastor Sam 

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