Saturday, August 16, 2014

Summer's End Series begins tomorrow - 'The Power of God' (1. Cor., chp. 1-3)

... but we preach Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and folly to Gentiles, but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God... 1 Cor. 1: 23-24 (in part)

It is good to be back in Plano, Texas. Our plane arrived at DFW last evening and stepping into the Texas heat we were reminded that there are many reasons we live here other than our summer weather.

Likewise, there is reason the church thrives and remains strong through any changes to weather, culture, or evening news, too. Certainly more than any utopia found on earth, it is the forgiveness of sin and our reconciliation to God through Christ - with resurrection and heaven as a promise yet to come. This is our joy! Our 'smile' in spite of the 'summer's heat', and exactly what our church will celebrate over the next 3 Sunday's. For we, the local body of Christ - parkwayhills, have experienced an amazing summer of God's power. Record attendance and professions of faith in each of our summer mission events (both on campus and off) have reminded us that Christ really is the power of God.

So come join me - both tomorrow, August 17, and each Sunday, August 24 and 31, as we worship and celebrate what God has done through the power of His Son, Jesus Christ. My preaching series will be taken from the book of 1. Cor. chapters 1-3, and I look forward to seeing you...

In the morning,

Pastor Sam  

Monday, August 4, 2014

Brasil 2014, Day 10, 'Coming Home'

It has been a long day, but we are finally readying for our international flight to Miami. The team has been wonderful, but far too tired for me to try to put them all in one pic.  Suffiice it to say, I have absolutely adored being with these people. They have been amazing.  And, I will never forget how we became as one family in Christ over the last 10 Days. 

They are...

Doug Benton
Elizabeth Benton
Gracie Breitenfeld
Carla Cox
Chris Davenport
Jessica DeFrancisco
Sam Dennis
Taylor Dennis Butler
Hannah Gentry
Debbie Irons
Kyle Keeter
Mattie Keeter
Phil Kennedy
Leland Kennedy
Claire Olivier
Lauren Powell
Arianna Rodrigues
Arabella Rodrigues
Araceli Rodrigues
Glenn Sampson
Grace Verges
Mike Weaver
Kayla Weaver

They each have been the hands and feet of Jesus in Brasil! 

Now... it's time for the same at home. 

Deus Abençoe, 

Pastor Sam 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Brasil 2014, Saturday, 2 August - 'From Medina City Home'

The work here in Medina City has been so very fruitful. I am writing this blog just minutes prior to our last evening service here (Saturday night); though I may not be able to post till Sunday. Right now our team is rushing to shower, dress, then head up the hill to the municipal gymnasium. We are exhausted but filled with the grace and provision of God at seeing HIM bring people to himself. In Medina over 500 decsions have been recorded thus far - and in our two cities combined we have seen just under 1,000 professions of faith. This is simply a number, one of many means of our measuring, for we know it is God who knows the true number. Only He knows how many more have received the gospel whom we were not able to get record of. Especially among those precious teens in the schools who raised there hands to say 'yes' to Christ for salvation. 

As to our last day in Medina, today was just as full as our first two days here. It was 'Market Day' and the streets were absolutely packed. Taking advantage of this, our Saturday morn was spent on the streets near the cities market and heart - singing, playing circle games with children, painting faces, making baloons, offering social services/blood pressure checks and, of course, street preaching with aid of guitars. As I was doing this, I could not help but be reminded of the way my call to preach was first begun - on the streets of Wichita, Kansas, with a guitar. I found myself smiling at this warm snd reminiscent thought - and of God's power, providence and call over all these years.  

In the afternoon we traveled by bus to a a smaller town leaving half of our team behind in Medina City, visiting in homes door to door. It was an amazing day.  

We will load the bus at 3:30 in the morning in order to leave at 4:00 am for travel to Montes Claros. There we will enjoy a closing service with the other P70 teams who have been doing the same as we in another area of Minas Gerais. Pray for us as we travel to Montes; then as we fly to Belo Horizonte and board a US flight to Miami overnight. The trip home has few breaks affording us 30 plus 'tough' hours of travel.  So we will be ready to see DFW and YOU, on Monday.  

Deus Abençoe, 

Pastor Sam