Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Brasil 2014, Day 5, July 29 - The Amazing Power of the Gospel

Paul wrote in his letter to the Christians at Rome - 'I'm not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who beleives.'  He meant this, and showed it by never wavering in his task of sharing Christ, the Crossresurrection and a call to 'believing' faith.  Likewise, we face the same challenge as Paul - perhaps asking ourselves, 'shoud we alter our message to our own culture and time, one which often sees the gospel as irrelevant?'

As I thought about this today, I could clearly see why God brings me to Brasil year after year. For here I am freshly reminded of the gospels power, and of our purpose in God's plan. Of course, I know this in my head - but back home, in Plano, it's easy to get distracted and 'forget.'  I know the gospel is our power - a power not from us but in the gospel itself - and I know that for the church to be 'ashamed' of this by absenting itself of its proclamation makes us, in essence, the perpatrators of any irrelevance it might appear to have. This is a shame. A church (ecclessia, the 'called out ones') void of the gospel is an oxymoron. The church is so because of the gospel - the gospel of Christ. To not share this, then, is to deny the very power that bore us. 

But, praise God, our team - the church - has shared the gospel this week. And thus far, in just 3 days, 350 people have made professions of faith in Christ - and this is only the ones we've recorded. Countless others, in schools across the city, have prayed to recieve Christ, too, and in this we do rejoice. This is the church exhibiting power - God's power - expressed by Christ doing that which He promised, saving people from sin and bringing them to Himself righteous and restored.  People are still being saved by His grace, through faith - believing faith - meaning they've said 'yes' to His call.  And THAT will always be the most amazing thing of all.  

Deus Abencoe, 

Pastor Sam 

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