Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Together, Day 2 – Saturday, ‘The Few, The Fearless, The Deceived'

BURIAL: Mark 15:42-46; Matthew27:57-60; Luke 23: 50-54; John 19: 31-42
The Jewish Sabbath begins at sundown (or 6:00 pm) on Friday, and continues through sundown of the next day.  Sometime in the late afternoon, before 6:00 pm, Jesus is taken from the cross by Joseph of Arimethea and carried to a tomb nearby, where no one had 'yet been laid'.  Mark records Joseph went ‘boldly’ to Pilate (Mk. 15:43) and was given permission to see to the burial.  Matthew records the ‘new’ tomb is Joseph’s (Mt. 27:60), and adds that he (Joseph) had been a disciple of Jesus (v. 57). Luke tells us that Joseph was a counselor, or member of the Sanhedrin (Lk. 23:50), and ‘not consenting’ to Jesus’ death (v. 51) And John says that Joseph was a ‘disciple’ of Jesus (Jn. 19:38) but ‘secretly.’ John also adds that Joseph was assisted by Nicodemus, who brought burial spices of ‘myrrh and aloe,’ and that together they wrapped and prepared Jesus’ body after the Jewish custom before laying it in the tomb (Jn. 19:39-40).

OBSERVANCE: Mark 15:47; Matthew 27:61; Luke 23:55
In one verse from each of the Synoptic gospels we learn Jesus’ burial was watched or ‘beheld’ by ‘Mary Magdalene’ and ‘Mary, Mather of Joses' (Mk), or the ‘other Mary’ (Matthew) who is mentioned in Luke 8, and is the mother of Jesus’ disciple, James the Younger, the brother of Joses.  These followed him ‘out of Galilee’ (Luke). How long the women stayed near the tomb is uncertain - though likely it was not long, as we are told they went home to prepare spices and observe the Sabbath by resting ‘according to the commandment’ (Luke 23:56).

COVER: Matthew 27:62-66
Then Matthew adds one piece more regarding this Saturday. That ‘on the morrow’ (either the morning of Saturday or Friday night - if noting days as per Jewish custom) with Sabbath in full swing (which I find interesting for these so bent on the law) the Chief Priests and Pharisees gather before Pilate and request he command the sepulcher made secure, with guards posted to ensure Christ’s body is not stolen, which would allow false claims to be made. Pilate agrees.

As I reflect on these few verses surrounding Saturday, I think first of how few there are.  Not much is said and all seems solemn and silent. Secondly, I think of how few people are involved.  His closest disciples are absent – no doubt from fear and from heartbreak – but absent nonetheless, and the followers from the cross to burial are but four.  But weren’t they bold and fearless! Joseph before Pilate!  Nicodemus, too, with enough love and devotion to take the beaten and bruised body of our LORD from His cross, and to wrap and cover Him with precious oil, perhaps hearing - as he does - a whisper in the wind saying, ‘born again!  Born again! Born again!’ And the women, too, one being the ‘Magdalene’ - whom tradition and scripture affirm as a person possessing no fear. 

But, then, there were the deceived.  These Pharisees, who thought themselves so certain of success.  Who, in their minds, felt their action good for all Jews – but who were so, so wrong.  Complicit to their deed was the foolish assumption that they spoke for God.  Their deception was that man can interpret God while worshipping self!  But... they were wrong. For Jesus was not put to death by these - but by His own choice.  And in that choice, Satan lost! The death of Christ was but God’s sacrifice, and His resurrection to come will not be held back by stone or halted by guard.  No!  It is simply the Sabbath.  A day of rest by God’s decree!  And... as our LORD ‘s body lay in the tomb, all of heaven waited!    

Pastor Sam  

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