Monday, November 12, 2012

12 November 2012, Veterans Day

Veterans Day is celebrated so that we might honor veterans of our American Armed Services who have defended freedom's cause at home and around the world. Often taken for granted, our freedom - though given us by God - must be defended in a fallen world. For, certainly, we have seen America flourish in freedom. This freedom has spawned our economic system of free-enterprise and factored in us maintaining our overarching psyche of national optimism and hope - bringing to history a nation never before equaled in accomplishment and purpose.  Indeed, the record of American success speaks, serving testimony that freedom benefits any people, in this and every time.

Yet protection of our national freedom is essential. For this reason we say, 'thank you', to the brave Americans who have made this possible for us by their sacrifice. On Veterans Day we honor those who have served and on Memorial Day we honor those who have fallen. Both days teaching the same lesson - that freedom, though granted by God and brought, ultimately, by freedom from sin because of Christ, is maintained 'nationally' and secured 'societally' at great price.

So we say, 'God Bless our Veterans.'  We honor you today, and say, 'thank you!' committing to not forget - neither you nor the price you've paid - enabling us to live free in a free land.

And... may God Bless America, too! - as she aids and defends the selfsame for others around the world!

Let freedom ring!

Pastor Sam

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