Saturday, May 30, 2020

George Floyd and the Tyranny of Apathy

In Philippians 4, Paul reminds the church of having a sense of accountability regarding their prayer life, thought life and actions.  In fact, in the text Paul essentially steps up, and says, 'follow me'. However, the reason Paul could say this was because he was following Christ.

Check out my video below for a reminder of the importance of our asking the once popular question of the 80s and 90s - WWJD? (What Would Jesus Do)?  today, and always!

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Memorial Day, 2020 - "Stones of Remembrance"

Memorial Weekend represents a time that we as a nation remember those who have died serving our country insuring the freedoms we stand for and hold dear.  It is a special day for us.  But, it should also be a reminder of the importance of 'remembering' altogether - of telling our stories to our children and our children's children so that they might never forget what God has done.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Going Back to Church?

The decision of 'when' to go back to church, or 'when' to return to the church 'meeting house' post COVID-19, has increasingly become a question that many are asking.

But, being caught up with 'when?' may not be nearly as important as 'how?''

Check out this week's 'Encouraging Word' Video from Pastor Sam Dennis that might help.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Mother's Day / Women's Day, 2020

Here is an "Encouraging Word' for a day often fraught with many differing emotions - some good, some sad and... some which may even be bitter.