Now I do applaud his efforts to aid authorities in uncovering the 2 million dollar extortion scheme attempting to gain from his foray/s, but I DO NOT applaud the means by which he chose to share this. True Dave is not a preacher nor a politician, and one might argue he should not be held to their standard. However, he is a man upon whom many look and admire and, by his chosen response, he has sent one more grand signal to an up-turned world that sin is ONLY in the eye of the beholder, and that a good man's measurement is simply 'honesty,' and not behavior.
Well, Dave, with the love of Christ in my heart, under His grace as to my own sin, and by the value of His precious Word, I disagree.
So... here you g0 - Here are my Top 10 reasons why your actions and response to such are out of line.
#1o. A 'workman is worthy of his hire,' - nothing more or less (Matt. 10:10)
#9. It is an 'eye for eye and tooth for tooth,' - not _____ for a paycheck (Exodus 21:24)
#8. Sodom and Gomorrah were 'an example' of 'fire',- not fun (Jude 1:7)
#7. 'No man lives to himself or dies to himself, we are the LORD's' - (Romans 14: 7)
#6. "Masters, give your servants what is just and equal, knowing you have a Mater in heaven - (Colossians 4:1)
#5. "Watch out that no one deceives you after the world and not after Christ" - (Colossians 2:8)
#4. "Be not conformed to the world but transformed by Christ" - (Romans 12:2)
#3. "Father's, do not exasperate your children" - (Colossians 3:21)
#2. "Present your body as a living sacrifice to God" - Romans 12:1
And... reason number.....
#1. 'Thou shalt not commit adultery.'
Pastor Sam