Belinda and I entered the 'highest halls of human happiness' 26 years ago today. The time has proven a marvelous journey that still finds us as excited as ever. What began with commitment at the altar of Park Cities Baptist Church, continues with the same. Along the way we have known encouragement - from friends, family and church. Today we enjoy contentment - a kind of comfort (not complacency) in our own skin and with each other.
It is said that our faith in Christ has much in common with marriage. Like marriage, Christianity also begins with commitment then continues through the encouragement of spiritual growth to create a soul knowing the deep contentment of an all-satisfying relationship with Christ. Perhaps that is why Paul and other biblical writers drew from the analogy. (Ephesians 5)
When I asked for my wife's hand, I said, 'there will never be a day in our marriage that you doubt my love for you." A bold statement? Not really. For as I began to unpack the passage from Paul, "husbands, love your wives..." it occurred to me that love, here, was not a noun but a verb - a command. In other words, this was something requiring more than romance, more than feeling, it required my choice. In short, on any day that I consciously decided to love Belinda, then followed through with words, attitude and actions, I could. Likewise, on any day that I decided not to love her, I wouldn't. Making this 'bold' statement not nearly so after all - only as 'bold' as my will. My commitment to her was nothing short of a commitment to Christ - and, in that, also held the promise of aid by the Holy Spirit in me.
Perhaps this dashes your idea of romance. Or, if like me, this may encourage you in how the marriage covenant may be maintained - at least from a husbands perspective. I do pray so! For... on the day that you do so (commit) you will unlock the potential of LIFEchange forever. What was it that Jesus said? "Take my yoke upon you, learn of me, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light, and there you will find rest for your souls." (Matthew 11:29 and 30) In other words, what seems hard is really (In Christ)... the easiest and most sensible step of all.
Yours 'for 26 years of joy, more!'
Pastor Sam