As I grew older I came to realize that what we were doing just wasn't enough. I felt shame for the racial division of my Texas roots and country. Though I chose not to say so in front of my peers, I didn't enjoy the jokes that 'type cast' people, and would walk away when they came. I got equally upset when African Americans, in my mind, would acquiesce in demeanor to stereotypes themselves - whether that be the passive subservience of my grandparents hometown and time, the bitterness and pessimism of the radical political activism of my day, or, more recently, as kids who should act otherwise would 'perform' as nothing more than 'boys and girls from the hood.' Likewise, when peers would diminish the work, leadership, and healthy recognition of men and women like Dr. Martin Luther King or Barbara Jordan, I would take exception - always - and still do.
So that I concur with what our former President, George W. Bush, said regarding yesterday - "it was was a great day for America." A win in every conceivable way. For yesterday was a reminder that, for most Americans, we really do hold to the words that "all men are created equal." Indeed, the whole world was watching yesterday - and what it saw was worthy of note. As Christians we know not to worship men - but we are to love and treat them the same. Barack Obama is not our Saviour, but he is a man - and now... he is our President. The fact that this is so should give hope to every American, and stand as one reason more we say to our children and grandchildren, 'this is an America to be proud of.'
So there was a time when what happened yesterday could not be. I remember that time. But, today it is... a "historic day" indeed!
Pastor Sam