Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Spiritual growth means influence

Our winter pulpit series, "TRANSFORMED," has been such a blessing to me. Each week, as I have prepared my messages and attended corporate worship with you, I have asked this question of myself, 'what does God want to do with ME?" Only to find His answer each and every time. Yes, God is faithful.

Because of this I am excited that Sunday we will look at the 3rd essential of our ParkwayHills LIFEgroup, which is, "Spiritual Growth." For certainly I know that if we are to be really 'transformed in Christ', this can only occur by our being personally related to God through Christ, and continue as we encounter TRUTH through His Word, build RELATIONSHIPS with each other, GROW together in knowledge, grace and service, and as we INFLUENCE others with what we have because we, well.... have it.

Brad fixed a leak in my pool this week. Brad graduated from Lewisville High School in 1991, and has been in the pool repair or plumbing business ever since. He and I talked both times that he came - not a lot, but enough. Enough for me to know his wife's name, the age of his son, where he lives and what his dreams are. He also learned that what I do as a career is a calling, and that I absolutely want to see him come to faith in Christ. When Brad and I parted the other day, I prayed for him - out loud and standing in my back yard. Of course he thanked me for the prayer, but for you who are reading this today I simply MUST add this - I did not earn the right to pray for him because I was the customer and he the vendor. No, not at all. It was because I took the time to listen to Brad and learn of him so that he might learn of someone else from me.

Which brings me to this, I think that real spiritual growth - the kind we all should have - produces influence. Not an influence gotten from power, but an influence that stems from grace. Influence that loves, that saves, and that cries from the cross as loudly today as it did 2000 years ago, 'Father forgive them', for they really 'just don't know'.

Till Sunday, then -

Pastor Sam

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

WINTER 2011- This Sunday and Beyond

This Sunday our winter message series, TRANSFORMED, continues with a message concerning the LIFE-changing essential of forming GODLY relationships. As a church we do this best through our LIFEgroups - and the ParkwayHills leader in this effort, Jim Thomas, will teach us this Sunday about what God's WORD say's about this exciting essential of our faith in HIM.

I am also pleased that this month includes the ordination of 5 new deacons; Dave Davenport, David Hendrixson, Kasey Hester, Will McDade and Al Valente. Also joining our deacons in ministry is Lee Jenkins, and, if you have never been to one of these services, you will want to come. It is so exciting to see the church set persons apart in call and ministry - and at this service on the afternoon of Sunday, the 23rd, you will see 1st hand why this is so.

Finally, please note one thing more - on Saturday, February 5, ParkwayHills will host a fund raising banquet and auction for our Brazilian Church Planting Partnership known as P70. If you have been at ParkwayHills for anytime at all then you know this ministry is very dear to my heart - and on this night, the night prior to Super Bowl Sunday, I pray to see many of our church come out in support. If you have have not heard, through this partnership ParkwayHills has planted over 16 churches - and now gives monthly support to their pastors keeping them on the field so that the gospel may be shared. Through P70 we have seen hundreds of people come to Christ and I know of no other mission, church-planting, endeavor that has yielded more in terms of converts through new local churches than this. Please mark your calendars in order to be a part of this special evening. Come! Bring your friends! Purchase a table and bring others or a seat to bring yourself and learn how you can be a part of this wonderful mission effort. For more information concerning the banquet, go to and click on P70 Missions Banquet as it scrolls on our Home Page Banner.

Till Sunday, then -

Pastor Sam